Every organization handles their onboarding process differently. For some organizations, it's really straightforward and frictionless - a pulse and a willingness to help out is all it takes. For others, it can be far more complex. Fortunately, Tandempark has the flexibility to allow you to handle this process however best suits your needs. 

Whatever that looks like, here's a suggestion to get you started. 

  1. People that request to join your volunteer team will appear as "Requested by volunteer" on your roster.
  2. Create a tag called "form sent", "candidate", or whatever term makes sense for your organization.
  3. Assign the tag you created to anyone you have in the process of joining your team. 
  4. Follow any vetting/screening process you have. You can send forms from within Tandempark now so just select them and send them a message. There is a file upload option right on that screen. 
  5. Once a person completes the onboarding process to your satisfaction, you can remove that tag and accept their request to join.
  6. Then, whenever you create a new opportunity, they are on your roster and you can notify them along with your entire team!