Office Schedule:
- Create a project and give it an appropriate name like "Monthly Office Schedule".
**If you have many different Roles or Shifts to schedule, you may prefer creating it as weekly rather than monthly. While it might sound more efficient to do larger groupings, it actually makes your scheduling task more complicated. By making the projects simpler, you'll find it more manageable when you need to make any changes in the future. ** - Create each Role required and all of the Shifts you need. Set Role visibility to "Invitation Only" or "Hidden" (on some browsers).
OPTIONAL: If you have chosen volunteers to fill a role repeatedly (Ie., every Tuesday morning), you can schedule those volunteers now so they are saved in teh template for future use. - Clone each position in the project. Choose the new date for the Role. If you added volunteers in step two that you want to carry forward, select 'Clone with volunteers'.
- You'll now have two versions of your Roles - an original and one that says "Copy of...". It's a good idea to rename it something like "Template: ..." so it doesn't get confused with your actual schedules.
- Now that you have two copies of the same schedule, you can finish your scheduling in the original and send your shift notices.
Remember - anyone with a [ ! ] icon DOES NOT KNOW THEY ARE SCHEDULED. You need to send shift notices for Tandempark to automate the communication. If you want volunteers to sign up for the Roles, change the Role visibility to either Internal or Public. - With your base template complete, each time you need to create a new schedule, simply clone each of the templates, fill in any gaps, and send the shift notices.