Now that you've laid out the details, it's time to let the world know about your exciting opportunity! If you've set your positions as Public or Private, Tandempark has already done most of the work for you. We've taken all the details you've provided, put it together in a nice little package and posted it to our opportunities page.
But if you really want to get the word out, you might consider sending a message to your volunteer roster to let them know. For more information on how to send a message, visit the Sending a Message article. The point of this particular entry is to provide you with some sample text that you can use to notify your volunteers.
NOTE: Based on feedback we've received, this feature this will happen automatically in an upcoming release. Date TBC.
This message template works well for organizers to get the word out. Feel free to copy and paste it exactly how we've written it or compose your own version.
For volunteers on your Tandempark roster:
Hey everyone!
We just posted a new opportunity on Tandempark and would love to have you check it out! To see it, visit Tandempark ( and go to the Opportunities section. It would be great to have your help!
If you are sending through your own email client, you may want to substitute your connection link in place of the login link shown above That link can be found on your volunteer roster under Get a Connection Link. It does everything the text above does, but automatically adds them to your Tandempark volunteer roster without any additional work. That means your volunteer team is growing and becoming easier to manage.