We've made adding shifts pretty easy. just like with creating a position, you'll need to open the project first.

Here's how you do that (If you have just created the position, you're already where you need to be so you can jump ahead to___). 

To start, go to the Projects tab. If you've just created the project, you're probably already there.

Find the project you want to work with in the My Projects list. To do this, simply click on the name of the project.

Select the position you want to add shifts to by clicking Show More

The position expands to provide more information and more options.

Now select Edit/Add Shifts, which will bring you back to the Position Builder. Click on Add New Shift.

This creates a line entry. Set the date, start time, end time, and number of volunteers you need at that time. 

Continue by clicking Add New Shift to create as many shifts as you need and set the details accordingly. When you're done, click save. 

That's all there is to it. Your shifts are created and, depending on the visibility you set the positions to, it is probably already posted for people to discover and sign up. 

You might take this opportunity to notify your volunteer team that you've posted new opportunities. For help with this, check out Messaging Your Volunteers.